Friday, 24 April 2020

The World is Changing...

And we, alas, must change with it.

The Global Covid-19 pandemic has forced the cancellation of every single event that we would have held or attended this Summer. These cancellations are the right thing to do and we support the efforts of everyone to contain and defeat this pandemic.

However we know your interest in Victorian history has not gone away, and neither has ours, so over the course of the Summer we will be posting lots of interesting information for you to peruse. We hope that you will find these posts entertaining as well as informative, and we welcome your comments. Each post will have a label that will make it easy to search for later.

If you would like more information on anything we have posted, have interesting ideas to share, or questions for us to research, feel free to reach out to us on our Social Media pages or by email to victoriansocietyofalberta at

Please be safe and we look forward to seeing you at events in the future when this is all settled.