Collars and Cuffs and Shirts oh my!
The Victorian Society of Alberta
Although in Western Canada the season is quickly turning towards late autumn this month's book is a wonderful wander through the countryside of Warwickshire for the year of 1906.
The book is a reproduction of the illustrated diary of naturalist Edith Holden and is filled with her watercolour mages and the text is in her own hand.Born in 1871, she lived in Olton Warwickshire, she tragically died in 1920 by drowning in the Thames while gathering buds from chestnut trees.
A treasure indeed!
The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady
by Edith Holden
is a really cool book. Great for inspiring children in making a nature
journal. My daughter has loved tracing the pictures for her nature
journal and using it as inspiration in her journal."
"This nature
journal has such beautiful illustrations, poems and quotes to inspire
the budding nature journalist. It also includes many of the common and
scientific names of various plants and wildlife found in the area the
author studied."
sent this (from England) to a Canadian friend going through a tough
time as a cheer-up gift. She has fallen absolutely in love with it and
phoned me to rave about the exquisite illustrations. She says she'd
like to lend it to all her friends, but isn't yet ready to let it out of
her sight.
"Some books provide enduring pleasures - this is one of them."
The Victorian Society of Alberta