Thursday, 3 June 2021

Days of Yore is a go... sort of.

The Days of Yore Festival in Didsbury was cancelled last year due to the pandemic.

For 2021 the event will be virtual!

The Victorian Society of Alberta will be participating in this event so make sure you check it out.

Here is the information from the organizers.

Victorian Society of Alberta

A little pandemic never held back a Viking or a Cowboy or a Soldier, and the Mountain View Arts Society is just as determined to bring you another great show no matter what! We might not be able to do an in-person festival in 2021, but we can sure bring you a Live Streaming Video Production featuring all your favourite reenactment performers and artisans!
For the 5th year, we invite you to STEP BACK IN TIME, only this year, from the comfort of your home, as we will be streaming live through Facebook and our YouTube channel. Yes, it's going to be different, but we are eager to bring you the best of our traditional, heritage reenactors.
We hope you will mark July 31st on your calendar - the Saturday of the August Heritage Long Weekend - and prepare to visit online with performers representing 9th C Scandinavia, 11th Century England, 18th Century England, 19th Century Canada, and the early 20th Century.
JOIN US ON JULY 31st - All you have to do is go to on July 31st and follow the entire Days of Yore Fest on our YouTube Channel. (Until then, you can follow older videos from events hosted by the Mountain View Arts Society.)
Follow us on Facebook or visit our website at

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