Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Moutain View Arts Society Festival

 September 11 and 12 we had the pleasure of attending the Mountain View Arts Festival in Didsbury, Alberta. It was a delightful weekend, and many  talented artisans and musicians were featured. There were also hands on activities such as painting a rock for their River of Rocks which will be at Memorial Park. If you look, you'll be able to find ours! We also were entertained by the shadow puppet shows the children created, hosted by the library.

We were joined by some of our Yankee friends and had a booth set up.  We enjoyed visiting with the public and answering their questions. We were thrilled to be beside a live music booth and were blown away with the talented musicians!

We also visited the Didsbury Museum, which is a must see when you're in town.  Art the bear was celebrating his 10th birthday, so we sampled some of his birthday cake and enjoyed some sprightly tunes by the North West Mounted Police band. The scarecrows were very creative and added a festive touch!
It was a fantastic weekend and we highly recommend attending next year if you can. There was fun for all ages and the hospitality was first rate! 
Keep your eyes open for the dates for 2022!

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