Friday, 11 February 2022

From the President of the Victorian Society of Alberta

 Greetings Gentle Reader,

It's difficult to believe we are already halfway through the second month of 2022!  We at the Victorian Society of Alberta are hoping that we will have a busy and productive year with events, educational opportunities and fun social times.

While the past two years have presented many challenges along the way, it has given our group time to work on projects, repair equipment and learn more about the era we represent in Alberta history. 

So far, our two main events this year will be Days of Yore in Didsbury, Alberta, scheduled for July 30 & 31, and Time Island, held in Millarville, scheduled for September. 

If you are interested in joining us on our adventures, please either request to join the Victorian Society of Alberta - participants group on Facebook or email  There are a few questions you'll need to answer, and we have instituted a $20 annual membership fee as well as a stipulation you attend one event per year to keep your membership current.

If you know of any events or interesting historical tid-bits pertaining to Alberta history from 1880-1914, please let us know and we'd be happy to share them!

In closing, we are wishing everyone a safe, healthy and exciting 2022.  
Hopefully we'll see you "out in the wild"!  
Please come up and say hello.

Christie Thacker
The Victorian Society of Alberta

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